Chuck Gordon, Commodore SPRING TIME IS NSA TIME!!!!! We have had a busy couple of months with the very successful Oyster Roast and a huge crowd at the Shrimperoo!!! Thanks to VC of Special Events Paul, Becky and Grace and to all who stepped forward to help put on these events! The NSA continues to grow and with that growth we need more volunteers. Thanks to all who have renewed their membership and a Big Welcome and Thank You to all of our new members!! The success of the NSA depends on you and your participation in club activities! Your Bridge and Directors are working hard to continue to make NSA a great organization and we welcome your thoughts and suggestions on ways to improve and strengthen the club. NSA will have a booth at the Oriental Boat Show ( April 13-15 ) so please come by and visit. Thanks to VC of Membership Donna Ryder for organizing our participation. If you have some spare time over the weekend contact Donna and see if she needs help staffing the booth. Hope to see you there! Our 1st Cruise of the year is April 28-29 and I am very excited about the concept!! As stated on the website “You’ll know where we are going when we see how it's Blowin' !!” Thanks to Cruise Captains Lynn Scott and Steve Noe for planning this innovative format for the Spring Cruise!! Please register for this event and join it's Forum. Please see Lynn/Steve article below. The 2018 Anniversary Race will be May 5th and we encourage your participation. This is a fun Pursuit Race with very few racing rules. This is a fun day on the water with a great social afterwards. Please see Michael Byles article for more information and thanks for your help Michael!! If you did not have the opportunity to take in some of the SailPack Oriental Regatta you missed a marvelous event that showcased 150 collegiate sailors and coaches racing 20 vessels. Most of these teams are “Club Teams” which do not receive financial support from their institutions. These Student Athletes were not only very good sailors but were outstanding representatives of their teams, schools and what is great about today’s youth! They competed, had fun and were very appreciative of Oriental and the welcome they received. Mark your calendars for they will return next year!! Anchorage Marina has assigned slips for Memorial Day. If you requested a slip and did not hear from them you are on a “wait list” and if they get any cancellations they will call the next vessel on the list. They usually don’t have cancellations until May. For those who have received your call and reserved a slip, please go on the Memorial Day Forum and confirm your reservation. This is helpful information which helps us make plans and distribute information. The lovely and talented Sharon and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming activities. Hopefully warmer days are not far away!! As always if you have any questions or concerns about the club, feel free to contact me! Chuck Gordon Cruising Outlook A quick reminder that the schedule of events is the best place to confirm cruise dates and locations, available on the website on the events page. A little over 2 weeks until the Spring Cruise! Reminder that the Spring Cruise will be upon us shortly on the weekend of April 28. If you haven’t already done so, register TODAY! The link to the event details and registration is here. See Cruise Captains Steve and Lynn's description of the cruise, below. With the “You'll Know Where We’re Going When We See How It's Blowin'” theme, be sure to subscribe to the Spring Cruise forum to stay informed about the cruise destination! Cruises on the Horizon
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 2018 cruising season – and not miss an event! Pat and Jeff Kenyon NSA Spring Cruise – 28-29 Apr. Set the weekend of 28-29 April aside for sailing and sign up now for the Spring Cruise. Experience the cruising lifestyle by letting the weather decide where you go and how you pick your anchorage, and you'll have an enjoyable weekend for captain and crew alike. We’ll plan the trip, just like you do in the islands… destination details will be set on the event forum a day or two before casting off Saturday, April 28. Bring proper anchoring gear, your dinghy, and provision in advance so you have edibles and drinks to share. If you volunteer as a host boat, NSA will reimburse you for your drink provisions. Contact Lynn ( or Steve ( to say, I’ll do it! And, plan to have lots of fun -- rather than a raft up, use your dinghy to visit or invite others to visit you for a sundowner. Steve Noe and Lynn Scott 2018 NSA Anniversary Race The event you have been waiting for….the NSA Anniversary Race (and I use the word RACE loosely) is Please remember to obtain a PHRF Rating for your boat so that a start time may be assigned. Visit the NSA website for instructions on registration. After the RACE we plan to gather at the Red Rooster for Pizza, Beer and Wine and a fun time. Sign up soon! Michael Byles Successful Spring Membership Drive We want to thank everyone who helped make the Shrimperoo such a successful event. We had an excellent opportunity to introduce friends and sailors to the Neuse Sailing Association. You were so effective that you will get to meet them by name and boat, below. Our members certainly have been busy sharing the Neuse Sailing Association experience as is evident by the number of new members! The Oriental Boat Show is coming April 13-15 and we hope there will be members who will also help us staff the booth. We have Brian and Carol Lamb, Chuck Gordon, Sharon Stephenson, John Messer, There is a correction from the March membership: Richard King and Jessica Varcho, vessel “Sara”, a C&C 40 located at Pecan Grove Marina along with a correction for Robert Short and Brenda Camp. Please help us welcome our new members: Todd Cox joined as a Yacht member on “Loon” at Sailcraft Marina; Carol Einhart a Yacht member on “Synchronicity” at Pecan Grove Marina; Patrick McWherter and Sev Tok as Yacht members sailing on “Cosmic Sailing” currently at Bridgeton Boatworks; Stu Moore a Yacht member on “Vagabond” at Pecan Grove Marina; Jeff and Tracy Sandkam as Yacht members on “Ginger” at Matthews Point Marina; John and JoAnn Taylor, Yacht members on “Celtic Tide”--she’s presently in the BVIs; Curtis and Bonnie Provance as Yacht members on “Current Escape” a Hunter 36; Ed and Carol Kratt, Yacht members at Pecan Grove Marina; Eric and Mary Lind as Yacht members on “Lansa” a Bristol at a private dock; Kevin and Mary Guilfoyle, Yacht members on “Meridian” an Albin located at Whittaker Creek Marina; Alan and Pat Backus, Yacht members on “Escapade” a Tartan at Pecan Grove Marina; along with Christina Shook and David Talbot joining as Yacht members on “Ceilidh” an O’Day located at Oriental Harbor Marina. Please introduce yourself and welcome them sharing news about the coming events and cruising schedule. See you out on the water real soon. I am so ready for warmer temperatures and mild gentle winds! Donna Ryder St. Patrick's Day Shrimperoo at O’Town Thanks to the 150+ people that came out to O'Town on St. Patrick’s day to join their NSA friends at the 2018 Shrimperoo! We had beautiful weather, tasty shrimp, and great music. We were able to support Heartworks again this year through the raffle, sign up new members, announce the photo contest winners, and get a sneak peak into some of the upcoming cruises. If you missed out on the good times, check out the photo gallery on the NSA website. We'd like to thank everyone that contributed to the event and made it such an overwhelming success! Paul and Becky Griffin Photo Contest Winners and 2018 Fun At the March 17 NSA Shrimperoo, the 2017 Photo Contest winners were announced. And you can view all five at the Bean coffee shop in Oriental during April. Thanks to Eric Kindle, owner of the Bean for agreeing to display the winning photos. Each winner will receive their framed print as well as a $35 gift certificate to one of the great Oriental merchants. Here’s a link to the photos and here are talented photographers: Sailing Action = Becky Griffin This year, we are changing out one category to keep the contest fresh and interesting. Sailing Selfies will replace Artistic. Here’s your challenge – be Selfie of Steve and I on a NSA Halloween Cruise… Notice the Halloween trolls hanging out and the reflection in the glasses demonstrating selfie technique. Lynn Scott NSA Contributes to Collegiate Racing in Oriental
Headquarters for the teams during races was the Stallings House; boats were sailed from Bow to Stern to race directly off Lou Mac park. Darn if the Easter Bunny didn’t visit the boats before they took them out again on Sunday Weather was great with winds of 10 to 20 kts and perfect spring temperatures. We learned that six races qualifies the event as a ‘regatta’. After six races on Saturday, the teams had four races again on Sunday, despite very calm winds in the morning. Looking forward to the 2019 SailPack Regatta! Bill and Susanne Lovelace Announcements Safe Vessels on the water Thanks to all that participated in the event Vessel Safety Inspection. Hopefully everyone learned something and feel confident that the minimum safety items are in order. I would like to give a special thank you to the Cape Lookout Sail and Power Squadron volunteers, Kyle Hale, Larry Lovvorn, Jim Dugan, Bill Gawain, and Rob Thompson. If you were unable to participate on March 24th you can individually contact the U.S.Coast Guard Auxillary at the Oriental Boat Show booth and arrange for the inspection. Thanks, Brian McLamb The Neuse River is Our River! The Neuse River is a vital resource to NSA members, yet it is listed as the seventh most endangered river in the country. NSA members who are not participating in the Spring Cruise have the opportunity to enjoy barbecue and beer while helping keep the Neuse River clean on Saturday, April 28.The New Village Brewery in Oriental will host ‘Cue 4 the Neuse, a fundraiser for Sound Rivers, a non-profit organization that guards the health of the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins. Starting at noon, the Inland Waterway Provision Co. and the New Village Brewery and Taproom will donate a $1 for each pint of beer sold to benefit Sound Rivers. Beers will be offered from breweries that depend on water from the Neuse River Basin, including: Mother Earth Brewery, Neuse River Brewery, Deep River Brewing and 3rd Rock Brewing. From 5 till 7 p.m., pork barbecue from a pasture-raised pig cooked by grillmeister Jimmy Kellenberger will be offered with sides for $10 per plate. All proceeds from food sales will benefit Sound Rivers. Diners will enjoy live music from the Yacht Dogs along with their dinner. If you can’t be out on the Neuse, do something to help preserve our beautiful river on April 28! RALPH KRUGER 1995 NSA COMMODORE On March 10, 2018, 1995 NSA Commodore Ralph Krueger passed at the age of 92. Ralph and his wife Mary Ann ( who passed in July of 2017 ) were very active NSA members as well as active in the entire Oriental and New Bern sailing communities. In December of 2017, Ralph's moved him back to Illinois to be near his daughter and family. For those who knew the Kruger’s, you will remember them as a very fun and caring couple. Chuck Gordon |