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July 2024

'The Neuse Juice'

Volume 51 Number 7

Commodore's Lo

Welcome to summer everyone! 

June brought us two solid weeks of cruising. We went North, we went South, we came back, and there was some great stuff in between... :)

Sharon, Liz, Rich, and I captained the North Cruise and had a great time. The weather cooperated fully, offering sunshine, breezes, and seas that just couldn't be beat. Dining, shopping, early morning paddling, a floating social; everything was great, and the company was exceptional!

I need to mention that as the NSA boats were beginning to arrive in Washington, there was a medical emergency on the dock. One of the marina staff was in big trouble (I won't share the details here, but know that they are now recovering).

In seeing this, our NSA members rushed to support the marina. They coordinated docking and landed the slew of incoming boats so the staff could focus on their team member and friend. This made me feel very proud to be associated with such a fine bunch of people. Thank you all. 

Please note that coming up at the end of July is the Dinghy Poker Run. I urge you all to coordinate with Sharon Stephenson to help out where you can. It's a whole lot of fun and benefits the children in Pamlico County.

Stay on the water, stay hydrated, and stay safe,

Rob McDonald


M/V Mischief 

This months quote:   "Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.”  ~ Jamie Lyn Beatty

NSA Website

The Events & Cruises have been updated for this year!  Check out the list --> NSA Events


Now is STILL a good time to update your profile avatar… (avatar means Picture)

  • Click on your name in the upper right black bar on the website.
  • Click the Edit Profile button.
  • Scroll down to Avatar
    • Click on the words Remove/Change
    • Please use a picture that shows a close up of your face.
  • When done, scroll back to the top and click on the Save button

   >>> or send your picture to and we'll take care of it!

Neuse Juice Newsletter

If you missed something going on with the club... catch up here  -> Our past Newsletters “The Neuse Juice”
send your stories and photos to, and add "Neuse Juice" in the subject line.

Jean & Erik Hardtle
Vice Commodore of Communications - Neuse Juice & Website

S/V  Knot Shore 

1974 Gulfstar

Dinghy Poker Run


The 17th Annual Dinghy Poker Run, sponsored by the Nautical Co-op of Oriental, is scheduled for Saturday July 27. This is a community-wide charity event. You do not need to be a member of any of the sailing clubs. The more the merrier & hopefully, the more money raised! Proceeds will be used for scholarships for Pamlico County kids, who would otherwise not have these opportunities, to go to sailing camp or to take swimming lessons.

 You do not need to know how to play poker, nor do you need a dinghy or other watercraft. You will purchase poker hands, one for $10 or 3 for $25, starting at 9:30 AM on the tiki bar deck at Oriental Marina & Inn. You will then travel to 7 different docks located in Smith, Green & Kershaw Creeks to draw cards OR you can draw all of your cards at the tiki bar. Once your poker hand shows 7 cards drawn, you will turn this in where your best 5 cards will be ranked to determine winning poker hands.

 Lunch will be served. There will be a silent auction & a live auction, as well as a 50/50 raffle. (We already have some great items for bidding – gift certificate for the Captain’s course at World Wide Marine Training, an electric dinghy motor, a chef to come to your house to prepare a meal for 8, gift certificates for boat services, art work.) Prizes will be given for the top winning hands.



·         9:30 – 1:15 – poker hand sales & raffle ticket sales

·         9:30 – 1:30 – silent auction open

·         10:00 – 1:15 – land hands can be drawn

·         11:00 – 12:30 – poker card drawings at the docks

·         12:30 – 1:30 – lunch

·         1:45 – live auction raffle ticket drawing announcement of poker hand winners

·         ~ 2:15 – pay for & collect silent auction items won

 Invite your friends, neighbors, grand kids, etc. It is always a fun event. We hope to see your there.

 Do you have items you can donate for the auctions?

Perhaps you have something you no longer use which would be appropriate for the silent auction, including art work, jewelry, decorative items, marine items, a service you could provide or a skill you could teach. If so, we will be glad to take it.

Donations need to be turned in no later than Sunday, July 21.

 See the accompanying volunteer request list.

 Sharon Stephenson

DPR Event Organizer

S/V Pelikan


" Ask not what the NCO can do for you, but what you can do for the NCO and the community and the kids..."  We need you to volunteer.  It is a great way to meet other members.


Volunteers are still needed for the Dinghy Poker Run on Saturday, July 27. The following lists notes how many open positions need to be filled. Please review & let me know if you can cover one or more positions.

 Pre-event organization – This will take place during the week leading up to the event (starting Monday 7/22). Help will be needed to organize auction items, prepare bid sheets, create posters and pack up event items. Pre-event activities will be underway all week with variable times. No particular number of folks. If you only help for one afternoon or morning that would be helpful.


Poker hand & raffle ticket sales – starts at 0930. Since we have the option for land hands, we will continue selling hands & raffle tickets until ~1315.

Poker hand sales – 2 needed to cover 1115-1315

Raffle ticket sales – total of 4 needed – 2 for each shift 0930-1115 & 1115-1315

 Food service 

 Folks needed to take up meal tickets, help serve food & drinks & general oversight. We’ll start serving food at 1230, but will need volunteers to be there at 1200. 4 more needed

 I also need some folks to meet offsite at 1030 to prepare meat & cheese trays & transport to the Marina.

2 needed

 Bake cookies – In an effort to keep down costs, we are asking for home baked cookies to use for dessert. These need to be delivered to the Marina no later than 1130 on July 27 or you can bring to me if delivering before the day of the event. 5 more needed

 Hand dealers

Dock dealers - These are the folks at each dock who manage the drawing of cards when participants arrive. 2 people are needed for each dock. There will be a meeting of dock hand dealers at the Tiki Bar at 1015. You will need to be on the dock from 1100 - ~1230. 5 or 6 more needed

 Land hand dealers - 2 needed to cover the 1115-1315 shift

 *You do not need to have any knowledge of poker to be a dealer.

 Tally hands – Poker hands are collected as folks come in after the run and when land hands are drawn. Hands need to be ranked to determine the winners. Familiarity with poker hand rankings is preferable. Hand talliers are needed from 1030 – 1330. 2 more needed

 Silent auction oversight – Monitor activity at the silent auction tables, answer questions, etc. 1 or 2 needed for 1130-1330 shift

 Live auction helpers – Live auction starts at ~1345

 Auctioneer assistant – Show the item being auctioned. 1 person needed   

Oversight of prizes for winning hands – One person needed to help keep prize giving moving. This will take place after the live auction, ~1400. 1 person needed

 Silent auction wrap-up – Starting at the close of the silent auction, 1330. Will need to pick up bid sheets,   record the winners & winning bid, organize winner cards & distribute these as people come to find out what they won & help folks gather their items. 4 more needed

 Payment processors – Help with collection of payments for auction items. Familiarity with using online credit card transactions will be helpful. 2 more needed

 Clean up – self-explanatory! We’ll start ~1445 & hope to be finished by 1530. 4 more needed

 Contact me to volunteer for any of these positions or any questions you may have. You can also volunteer for “put me where you need me” if you want to help but are flexible as to task. More detailed instructions will be provided for each task. Call or text: 919-414-7719 or email:

Cruising Update

July 13 & 14 (This weekend) Cape Lookout


We’re looking forward to our Cape Lookout Cruise this coming weekend! We’re keeping a close eye on the always changing summer weather conditions. The only thing that is for sure is that it will probably be hot. There’s lots of nice water to cool off in though.

Each captain should monitor weather conditions for the inlet. The general rule of thumb is that slack tide will be best to navigate the channel. Island Girl is planning to go Beaufort Docks on Friday and head out to Lookout on Saturday.

We will have a beach social on Saturday afternoon at two. We will all probably head to the sound side beach as soon as we’re comfortably anchored. Beach floats will be popular. The club will be providing drinks. Bring an appetizer to share. BYO dishes and cups.  We will communicating through the forum and the Facebook event page.

See you on the water!

Todd and Tammy Richards

S/V Island Girl

Cruise Captains

Shared info from others in the club....  Going to CLO from Oriental?

Slack tide for the Beaufort Inlet is showing 10AM Saturday (9AM Friday) ... from Cara Keys & Navionics.

... From Tony Nelson, who learned from Howard Cheetham...  The rule of thumb is when going down the creek, leave Oriental 2-3/4 hours after high tide @Core Creek Bridge.  Leave Beaufort 2 -1/2 hours after slack tide @ Beaufort Inlet/Radio Island.

The important thing to remember is to watch your conditions, make the best decisions for your boat and your crew and be safe.


The vice commodores of cruising are looking for cruise captains for the Halloween cruise!

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us at 

Ideally, we would like 2 boats to share it. Right now, the schedule says it will be in Beaufort, but if you have another idea, let us know.

New practices started last year that will continue:

  1. Sharing the job of cruise captains between 2 boats. This worked well last year. New cruisers were mentored by seasoned members and there was always a captain in case plans changed! In February, there will be a general meeting of all those interested/willing to participate as cruise captains.
  2. Leave no Trace: BYO cups, plates and utensils to reduce waste at our socials

We look forward to seeing you all out on the water!

Christa and David Kreutz
VC Cruising

S/V Cymbeline

Memorial Day Cruise - May 25th-27th, Ocracoke Wrap-Up ~ a picture is worth a thousand words.

Cruise Captains. Tony,  and Rose & Howard

S/V Hemispheres and S/V Misto  

Weeklong South Cruise - Wrap-Up

Going south at the end of June? Bless your heart!

I was anxious/nervous being a co-captain leading 22 boats. We’d never sailed south of Beaufort and never been on a boat together for a whole week. It looked like it was going to be hot. How hot would it be? 

I had nothing to worry about; it was a success. Thank goodness for ocean breezes. 13 boats ended up participating. A couple of boats started their cruise early to take advantage of better winds mid-week. The majority of the fleet worked their way down the ICW, with some stopping in Swansboro and some at the excellent anchorage at Mile Hammock Bay.

The Wrightsville Beach portion of the adventure began with most boats taking advantage of the large anchorage in Banks Channel.  Kay and Bruce coordinated a fun social with former commodore Paul at the Wrightsville Yacht club. 

The next day was an informal beach day on Masonboro Island, with people joining when they felt so moved. The tide going out created a nice 'lazy river' to float in. 

After 3 nights in Wrightsville Beach, anchors were raised and the short hop farther south landed us at Carolina Beach. We had a second, less formal social at the Last Resort, a cool dive bar worthy of the NSA.   Hot weather kept daytime activities low, but the nightlife was fun, including great restaurants, live music, carnival rides, and the excellent fireworks display on Thursday night. 

With the trip winding down, sailors planned their return home. Some went back north via the ICW, and six boats sailed offshore with a pleasant passage on Saturday. 

As first-time week-long cruisers and the first time going south, we learned a lot of good stuff! We learned about swing bridges and waving to the bridge tender, especially when they held the bridge for five minutes for you. We learned that everyone is on their own schedule and not to sweat it. We learned that June can be really hot. We learned that refrigeration would be pretty cool to have. We learned that people would rather text than talk on the radio. We learned that sailing out in the ocean is not as scary as I thought it would be, but pretty awesome.

A special shout-out to our co-cruise captains, Bruce and Kay Neuchterlein. We're grateful for their help, for sharing their expertise, and for their calm presence. 

Christa and David Kreutz


S/V Cymbeline

  "Come Sail with us!"

Let us know if you have questions, especially if you are a new member.  We want to welcome you.


Welcome NSA’s Newest Members

It was so nice to see so many of you on the cruise north and south in June. We had wonderful weather and fun times. It is great to catch up with others and to meet and get acquainted with our new members. I look forward to seeing many more of you at Cape Lookout in July!

Everyone please be sure to say hello and support our new members when you see them! As always, if you have friends who might wish to join, please direct them to the website for more information!

Sharon Bellrose-McDonald
Vice Commodore Membership
M/V Mischief

NSA Merchandise


Kathy Kenny

Vice Commodore - Social Media & NSA Wear Coord.

S/V Cool Change


Ok, so you made it to the bottom!  ... here is your prize nautical trivia:

Q: How many ropes are on a sailboat?

 A: The word rope is seldom used aboard a sailboat. What landlubbers call ropes are referred to as lines. Some lines have other names when they have a specific purpose. Examples are halyards, sheets, and in this case painters. Ironically, the line used to ring the bell on board is in fact called a rope.


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   Please support our sponsors!

   If you see a sponsor to the right you are
   interested in, click the card to visit their site
   and thank them for their support of NSA.

Click on the circles to the right to view them all!

Neuse Sailing Association | PO Box 253 | Oriental, NC 28571

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