It is good to be the Captain! Here are some tips on how to be a Cruise Captain: - Tell the Vice Commodore of Cruising you want to volunteer for a Cruise!
- The VC of Cruising will help you plan your event, set a time to meet with them.
- Come up with dates, locations, marinas or anchorages, any socials and max boat & head count for the event.
- Decide if any socials will be BOYB or if NSA will provide beverages.
- Decide if any socials will be dinner out, pot luck or other.
- Come up with bad weather plan... ya know...plan B.
- Decide if you need more members to help setup some of the events (sub-committee)
- Members can help set up tables, games, bring coolers, and help decorate.
- Decide on what VHF Channel to communicate during the trip. ex: VHF 68
- The club storage shed has coolers, banners and some paper products available. Get the entry and lock code from the VC of Cruising.
- When members start registering, you will be able to get a spreadsheet from the VC of Communications.
- You can get separate spreadsheets made for dock slips, social only, anchoring out, restaurant headcount, etc.
- You can send this to any Marinas or Restaurants for a headcount.
- Announcement of your event to all members goes out 60, 30, and 15 days from event.
- Reminders for those registered go out 30, 15, and 10 days from the event.
Important! You are not alone, reach out to any of the Bridge members for help!