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June 2024

'The Neuse Juice'

Volume 51 Number 6

Commodore's Lo

Summer is fast approaching! With Memorial Day behind us and our entire fleet returned home from Ocracoke safe and sound, I'm looking toward the week-long cruises. Our numbers on both cruises are great and I'm sure there'll be much fun to be had!

The week-long North cruise starts on 6/15 and is Captained by Liz, Rich, Sharon, and myself. The fun will start with a floating social and will then move to Washington, Belhaven, and finally Beaufort to overlap with the South cruise. The cruise is meant to be relaxed and flexible. We've received tremendous support from our marina friends and I'm really looking forward to the trip!

Click here for the full Cruise Description

I'd like to remind everyone to be safe out there, and that being in a hurry on a boat will lead to scraped knuckles and chipped gelcoat every time. Though accidents will happen, they don't always have to. Being part of a large community of boaters means you can get a hand with heavy things, borrow that right tool, or get advice when you're unsure. Lean on your friends in the NSA, it's what we're here for.

Quote:   "It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine."  ~Eeyore

Rob McDonald
M/V Mischief

NSA Website

The Events & Cruises have been updated for this year!  Check out the list --> NSA Events


Now is STILL a good time to update your profile avatar… (avatar means Picture)

  • Click on your name in the upper right black bar on the website.
  • Click the Edit Profile button.
  • Scroll down to Avatar
    • Click on the words Remove/Change
    • Please use a picture that shows a close up of your face.
  • When done, scroll back to the top and click on the Save button

   >>> or send your picture to and we'll take care of it!

Neuse Juice Newsletter

If you missed something going on with the club... catch up here  -> Our past Newsletters “The Neuse Juice”
send your stories and photos to, and add "Neuse Juice" in the subject line.

Jean & Erik Hardtle
Vice Commodore of Communications - Neuse Juice & Website

S/V  Knot Shore 

1974 Gulfstar

Dinghy Poker Run

Dinghy Poker Run – July 27

The Nautical Co-op of Oriental sponsored Dinghy Poker Run at the Oriental Marina & Tiki Bar will be here

soon. Hands will go on sale at 9:30 AM and the run will start at 11:00 AM with stops at seven docks up Smith, Kershaw &

Green Creeks. No dinghy or other small watercraft? No problem. Poker hands can also be drawn at the Tiki

Bar. We will serve food starting at 12:30PM. There will be silent & live auctions. Proceeds will be used to provide

scholarships to kids for sailing camp & swimming lessons.

We are hoping all of you will come out for this fun fundraiser event and support our efforts by buying poker

hands and auction items. Remember this is an event for the community, so invite your neighbors, your out-of-

town friends & family (great fun for the grandkids!), etc.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need your help before and on the day of the event.  First, we need items to use for prizes for winning hands and items to use in the silent and live auctions. These can be actual items or gift certificates to specific places or for services or adventures. As you are doing your spring cleaning and have items you no longer need, consider donating those. All items & gift certificates must be turned in by Sunday, July 21st.

We are in urgent need of volunteers to ask businesses and others to donate items or services. We have a list

of contacts who have donated in the past making this process easier. We also have a formal letter to use when

asking folks for donations.

Pre-event organization – This will take place during the week leading up to the event (starting Monday 7/22).

Help will be needed to organize auction items, prepare bid sheets, create posters and pack up event items. I

will need a few folks with a van, large SUV or pick-up with a cover to load items on Friday afternoon (7/26) and

then deliver them to the Marina at 7:00AM Saturday morning (7/27).

More Pre-event

Bake cookies – In an effort to keep down costs, we are asking for home baked cookies to use for dessert.

Dinghy Day

Set up – 2 teams needed.

  • 7:00AM – 9:30AM – Silent auction preparation – set up tables for the silent auction, place auction items & bid sheets.
  • 8:30AM – 9:30AM – Set up everything else - tables, signage & items for poker hand & raffle ticket sales & food service
Poker Hand & Raffle Ticket Sales - We need volunteers to cover both shifts for each task
    • 9:30AM – 11:30AM - Volunteer needed for Poker hand & raffle ticket sales
    • 11:30AM - 1:15PM - Volunteer needed for Poker hand & raffle ticket sales 

Hand dealers – These are the folks at each dock who manage the drawing of cards when participants arrive.

Two people are needed for each dock. 

  • 10:15AM Meeting at the Tiki Bar
  • 11:00AM - 12:30PM Dealers need to be at the dock.

Land hand dealers also needed for 2 shifts  

  • 9:30AM – 11:15AM
  • 11:15AM – 1:15PM

    Food service – Folks needed to take up meal tickets, help serve food & drinks & general oversight.

    • 12:00PM - Volunteers needed to prepare and to serve food at 12:30PM

    Tally hands – Poker hands are collected as folks come in after the run and when land hands are drawn. Hands

    need to be ranked to determine the winners. Familiarity with poker hand rankings is preferable.

    • 10:30AM - 1:30PM Hand talliers shift

    Silent auction oversight – Monitor activity at the silent auction, answer questions, etc.

    • 9:30AM – 11:30AM - Volunteer needed for Poker hand & raffle ticket sales
    • 11:30AM - 1:15PM - Volunteer needed for Poker hand & raffle ticket sales 
      Live auction helpers 
      • 1:45PM - Live auction starts 
        •   Auctioneer assistant – Show the item being auctioned.
        •   Auction spotters - Help auctioneer keep up with bids, record the winning bidders & final bid

      Oversight of prizes for winning hands – One person needed to help keep prize giving moving.

      • 2:00PM - This will take place after the live auction

      Silent auction wrap-up – Starting at the close of the silent auction,

      • 1:30PM - Need to pick up bid sheets, record the winners & winning bid, organize winner cards & distribute these as people come to find out what they won & help folks gather their items
      • 1:30PM - Payment processors – Help with collection of payments for auction items. Familiarity with using online credit  card transactions will be helpful. 

      Clean up – self-explanatory!

      • 2:45PM - 3:30PM

      Contact me to volunteer for any of these positions or any questions you may have. You can also volunteer

      for “put me where you need me” if you want to help but are flexible as to the task. More detailed instructions

      will be provided for each task. Call or text: 919-414-7719 or email:

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Sharon Stephenson
      DPR Event Organizer
      S/V Pelikan

      Cruising Update


      The 2024 cruise line up is spectacular!

      See the cruising dates on the calendar so you can start planning!

      The vice commodores of cruising are looking for cruise captains for the Halloween cruise!

      If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us at 

      Ideally, we would like 2 boats to share it. Right now, the schedule says it will be in Beaufort, but if you have another idea, let us know.

      New practices started last year that will continue:

      1. Sharing the job of cruise captains between 2 boats. This worked well last year. New cruisers were mentored by seasoned members and there was always a captain in case plans changed! In February, there will be a general meeting of all those interested/willing to participate as cruise captains.
      2. Leave no Trace: BYO cups, plates and utensils to reduce waste at our socials

      We look forward to seeing you all out on the water!

      Christa and David Kreutz
      VC Cruising

      S/V Cymbeline

       Two, One-Week-Long cruises or One, Two-Week Cruise - The North & The South

      The North Cruise - starts June 15th

      The week-long North cruise starts on 6/15 and is Captained by Liz, Rich, Sharon, and Rob. The fun

      will start with a floating social and will then move to Washington, Belhaven, and finally Beaufort to overlap with the South cruise. The cruise is meant to be relaxed and flexible. We've received tremendous support from our marina friends and I'm really looking forward to the trip!

      Click here for the full Cruise Description

      Sign-Up Today!

      Rob & Sharon - Commodore & VC Membership

      Liz & Rich - Cruise Captains

      The South Cruise - starts June 22nd

      The weeklong cruises are just about to begin!

      The weeklong South cruisers will rendezvous in Beaufort on 6/22.

      Some Cruisers will be arriving from the weeklong North. On the 23rd will be as we head to points south. Our destinations will be Wrightsville Beach and then Carolina Beach.  Individual boats will vary their itinerary as they choose.

      Please be aware, as mentioned on the forum, we are changing the Swansboro date to Saturday. This is because of bridge schedules. 

      As we get closer to departure, it is a good idea to check in on the forum more frequently.

      See you soon!

      David and Christa - VCs Cruising

      Kay and Bruce - Cruise Captains

      Memorial Day Cruise - May 25th-27th, Ocracoke Wrap-Up

      Cruise Captains

      S/V Hemispheres & S/V Misto  


      Welcome NSA’s Newest Members

      We had a good turnout for the Ocracoke cruise in May and are excited for our next cruises, heading north & then south!

      It has been a pleasure to get to know some of our newest members over these past few months. Please be sure that you say hello to our new members when you see them!

      Join me in welcoming our newest members who joined in May:

          • Jeannie & Brian Tourville of Oriental, owners of s/v Athena Rose, which they keep at Sea Harbour Yacht Club.
          • Kem and Zelia Dunnebacke of New Bern, owners of s/v Stinger, which is kept at Whittaker Creek Marina.
          • Carrie & Bill Gordon,of Rock Hill, SC, owners of s/v Sol Searching which is kept in Oriental.
          •  Dan Hintz of Oriental
          • Karen Hutson owner of The Water Street Café in Washington, NC has joined us as a corporate member.

      If anyone needs an NSA name tag, please go to the online store via the website and place an order for one (or more). Name tags are helpful to help identify other club members as we get to know one another better. Should you have friends or neighbors who might enjoy the NSA, point them to the website for more information.

      Sharon Bellrose-McDonald
      Vice Commodore Membership
      M/V Mischief

      NSA Merchandise

      If you haven’t already, please check out the Marketplace on the website for all our current merchandise. You can order and pay online and I will deliver to you in Oriental. If you will be on the South Weeklong I will have the merchandise for sale at the Wrightsville Beach social as well. 

      Welcome to our new members who have joined us on our Facebook group! If you haven’t joined yet, please do. You will find photos and information shared by our members. This is a private group for our members only so please answer the questions when requesting to join. 

      Kathy Kenny

      Vice Commodore - Social Media & NSA Wear Coord.

      S/V Cool Change


      Ok, so you made it to the bottom!  ... here is your prize nautical trivia:

      Q: What is the derivation of the word "yacht"?

      A: Answer: From the Dutch for "hunter"  
      Yachting for pleasure and sport began in Holland in the late 16th century. The word "yacht" comes from the old Dutch, jacht, an abbreviation of jaghtschip, "hunting ship". These original yachts, which were made for the rich and noble, were 14 to 20 metres (45 to 65 feet) and were fast and maneuverable.


         Click on our Sponsors!

         Please support our sponsors!

         If you see a sponsor to the right you are
         interested in, click the card to visit their site
         and thank them for their support of NSA.

      Click on the circles to the right to view them all!

      Neuse Sailing Association | PO Box 253 | Oriental, NC 28571

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