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Neuse Sailing Association50 Year Anniversary!

February, 2023

'The Neuse Juice'

Volume 50 Number 2

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Neuse Sailing Association- TIME TO CELEBRATE 50yrs!!

February has been a busy month and it is only half over!   This is the month that we kick off 2023 with the Oyster Roast on Saturday 18th 2:00pm at the Red Rooster!   Tom and Alice have another great event planned and we look forward to a large crowd ready to have fun, eat oysters, enjoy beverages and socialize with club members!     I am looking forward to seeing all of you!!

VC’s of Cruising Tracy and Robert continue to make plans for this year’s cruises!   They have scheduled a meeting with this year’s Cruise Captains to help organize and make plans for the coming year ( which I believe is a great thing to do! ).

VC of Social Media and Merchandise Kathy Kenny has ordered and received this year’s special 50th Anniversary NSA t-shirts which will be available at the Oyster Roast,  and VC of Membership Sharon McDonald has been busy as our members renew their membership for the coming year.

Plus thanks to VC Finance Howard Cheetham for keeping our finances in order, and Secretary Margo Fesperman who keeps the records of our meetings, and to Sharon Stephenson for her work on the Dinghy Poker Run.

And of course to Erik and Jean Hardtle for all they do with the Website, Neuse Juice, constantly updating the list of Events and most importantly putting up with me!!

Please see the announcement below about how and when to register for a slip for the Memorial Day Cruise.  We will need to get that information to Anchorage Inn and Marina before March 15.

Planning for the 50th Anniversary Celebration has begun.  I have a Committee of 8 that are discussing the when, where, what and how this event should look.

The members are: Chuck Gordon, Sharon Stephenson, Jeff Kenyon, Pat Sordil, Carl and Donna Crothers and Howard and Ros Cheetham. This group has been very active in NSA for many years! I feel very confident that we can come up with a plan that the Bridge/Board and membership will be very happy with!

Stay tuned more to come!

So that’s my update for now. Always remember that if you have any questions, concerns or thoughts about NSA I am always available to talk! This is your 50 year old club and we are responsible to keep it growing!

Wishing all of you fair winds and safe sailing!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

Chuck Gordon
S/V Pelikan

Cruising Update

 Please check the dates for our 2023 cruises and make sure they’re on your calendar.  You won’t want to miss a single one!

First up will be Carl & Donna along with Steve & Cathy for our Easter Cruise in New Bern. Registration is open so please sign up as soon as possible and indicate if you want a slip or to anchor out.  Detailed information can be found in the “info” section on the Wild Apricot App or the NSA website.

Many thanks to all of you who volunteered to be cruise captains this year.  It’s the first year we’ve tried having two boats share the captain role and we were thrilled that so many of you stepped up.  As the saying goes, many hands make light work!  And, with the cruise captains we have this season, I have no doubt they will also create fun experiences for us all to enjoy! 

We will have a cruise captain meeting at 9:30 AM on Saturday, February 18th.  Only one member of each boat need attend so the other can attend the NCO class on “man overboard".  We will finish in time to help Tom and Alice if needed to prepare for the oyster roast.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Tracy Vail and Robert Pugh
Vice Commodores of Cruising

M/V Kindred Spirit

NSA Chesapeake Cruise

It’s on! The 3rd annual NSA Chesapeake cruise starts Saturday, April 22.

The Chesapeake offers a rich selection of beautiful and historic ports. If you haven’t been there, the NSA cruise offers you a chance to extend your range in the company of fellow sailors. While this is not a difficult trip, it’s helpful to be with a group as you plan for bridge schedules, going through the locks and sharing waterways with much larger vessels.

As before, we’ll travel as a group to Hampton, VA, with stops at Dowry Creek, Alligator River Marina, Coinjock, Atlantic Yacht Basin, and finally, Bluewater Yachting Center at Hampton. We’ll pause at Hampton for an extra day before exploring the Bay individually or in small groups. You can expect informal meetups at common way points throughout the trip, and plenty of unplanned meetups at the more popular ports.

How much time do you need? Four weeks would allow time to reach the northern destinations such as Annapolis and St. Michael's, but even three weeks will give you enough time to experience the trip to the Chesapeake and then explore southern ports such as Onancock, Yorktown and Cape Charles- and you’ll know the drill when you come back (and you will!) for a longer visit.

If you really have time to travel, plan on five weeks and return via Ocracoke for the NSA Memorial Day cruise.

Registration is open now, and will close Sunday, March 10 for anyone wishing to be included in group reservations for the first three stops:

Dowry Creek, Alligator River and Coinjock marinas. You’ll need to also confirm that reservation with Coinjock two weeks before. It’s snowbird return season, so marinas try optimize their space available. Our fourth and fifth stops, Atlantic Yacht Basin and Bluewater Yachting Center, prefer that each captain make a reservation through Dockwa.

A Dockwa account will be useful for many destinations on the Chesapeake, so sign up now if you don’t already have one. Any changes after March 10 to any marina registration are the responsibility of each captain.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Chesapeake Forum for updates. Also, look back at the Chesapeake 2021 forum for lots and lots of useful information, especially for those who prefer to anchor, compliments of Scott and Sandy (thanks again for your detailed posts!).

John Messer & Pat Thomaier

Cruise Captains,

S/V Wild Goose

Memorial Day Cruise - May 27 - 29

As we celebrate NSA’s 50th year we will be back in Ocracoke!! NSA has been going to Ocracoke for many years and we are hoping to have a large crowd this year.

As in the past this will be assigned in the order of your registration. The Marina will try to make 10/12 slips available. As the club has grown so has the sizes of boats which makes it difficult to assign slips. The Marina will do the best they can to figure out this puzzle. Please read the info sheet below.

REGISTRATION: 7pm, Thursday Feb 23rd opens for those wanting a slip at The Anchorage Inn and Marina.

Slips assigned by Marina in order of Registration and size of Vessel

  • The Marina will maintain a Wait List
  • The Anchorage Marina will begin calling the list in mid March - we’ll let you know when
  • If you decide you cannot not commit, they move to the next person on the slip.
  • The Marina will try to make as many slips as possible available.

Cruise Captains:  Chuck Gordon & Sharon Stephenson, Christa & Dave Kreutz

If you have questions please contact me:  Call/text 919-880-7879, email
Chuck Gordon
Commodore and Cruise Captain

S/V Pelikan

For updates Subscribe to the Forum:  2023 Memorial Day Cruise Forum




Spring is around the corner!

We have another year of fun-filled NSA events and cruises on the 2023 calendar, and the air should be warming up soon. This month the NSA Oyster Roast will take place at the Red Rooster in Oriental on February 18th, 2023. I hope to see you there.

Many annual renewals have been completed and some new members have joined. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to renew your membership by April 1st, 2023. We will be sending reminder emails to all current members soon.

Please help me give a warm welcome to our newest members:

  • Sam and Emily Slater of Raleigh, owners of S/V Miss Bebe, which is kept at Pecan Grove Marina in Oriental.
  • Luis Torres Curet of Summerfield, NC, owner of S/V The Parrot Ship.
  • Pete & Carol Flood of Oriental, owners of M/V Blue Yonder.
  • Charles Hutaff of Scotland Neck, NC, owner of S/V Ohana, which is kept at Northwest Creek Marina

We're looking forward to another season full of travel, adventure, and comradery. If you know of someone who would like to join us on our journeys, please direct them to the NSA website. The more, the merrier!

See you all soon!

Sharon Bellrose-McDonald
Vice Commodore Membership
M/V Mischief

Break out your gloves and oyster knives, it’s time for the annual

NSA Oyster Roast

Saturday February 18
2-4pm  Red Rooster (behind the Silos)
Rain or Shine

Free to NSA members to include 2 drinks tickets each.  Members can bring up to 2 guests/family – with a $10 fee/guest which includes food – guests pay cash for drinks.  Members are requested to bring a side dish or dessert.

March brings the SHRIMPEROO, which is our annual Membership Recruitment/Renewal event.  It is open to the public, and we encourage you to bring anyone who might be interested in joining NSA. 


Saturday March 25
Oriental Inn and Marina (Tiki Bar)
Rain or Shine

Free to NSA members, including food, 2 drink tickets and great entertainment by the amazing Alisa Mike.   She brought everyone to their feet last year!  Guests pay $10 for food and cash for drinks. 

This event is more hands on since we cook and serve the shrimp.  Members should bring a side dish or dessert.  We will need many volunteer hands to make this event happen.  If you can help, contact:

Alice Petree

Tom McElroy

Vice Commodore Special Events

M/V Lochaber

Finance Matters

Finance usually runs quietly in the background, but I thought I should mention a few things at the start of the year.

Last year we saw quite an increase in expenditure, fortunately this was more than offset by an increase in membership and we start this year with nearly $1000 more than we started last year. This is good news for Commodore Chuck as he makes plans for us to celebrate our 50th anniversary!

Speaking of the 50th anniversary I hope all last year's members will rejoin this year. You will have already received the first invoice. Reminders will be sent out regularly to those who haven't paid up until April at which point you will be considered lapsed... Please don't wait until April, rejoin now.

The invoice has a link for payment and it's super-easy by credit card, we accept Visa MasterCard and Discover; unfortunately we do not accept Amex as several people have found out by trying (I get emails for every failed transaction). We'd love to see you all in good standing before the Oyster Roast next weekend.

Finally, on a personal note, Ros and I are planning to cruise to Maine during the heat of July and August; I'm looking for an apprentice that can cover the finance portfolio while we're away. If you have any financial acumen, business skills or have just used Quicken for your own accounts or business you will find it a breeze. Please come and talk to me during the Oyster Roast or shoot me an email.


Howard Cheetham
Vice Commador of Finance

S/V Misto




You don’t want to miss this fun event! The Dinghy Poker Run is a fund raiser and is open to everyone in the community, so help spread the word.

Dinghy Poker Run planning meeting
Saturday March 25, 2023
9:30 AM

@ Sharon Stephenson’s
1420 Seafarer Dr.

The Dinghy Poker Run requires a lot of volunteers, both for preparation of the event and on the day of the event. At present I am looking for volunteers to help with preparation. This includes help with advertising – creation of & placement of posters at various locations, solicitation of items, services, experiences, etc for the auctions and food planning.

Please let me know if you will be attending the meeting. Also let me know if you are willing to help in this phase, but cannot be at the meeting. Closer to the event I will be asking for volunteers to help on July 30.

Sharon Stephenson

S/V Pelikan


NSA Merchandise

Happy Valentine’s Day ! Thank you to all that responded to last month’s NJ request regarding your preferred sizes for our new 50th anniversary tees! I have those tees set aside for you.

To those that didn’t respond, our limited edition tees will be available for purchase at the Oyster Roast. These tees have the 50th anniversary logo, which Erik Hardtle designed for us! Don’t delay in purchasing before your size is gone!

We will also have our previous limited inventory of tees, caps and visors for sale at the Oyster Roast. The previous inventory will be discounted for the day of the Oyster Roast and not available for discount in our online shop. 

As a reminder, if you request to join our Facebook group, which I hope everyone does, remember to answer the membership questions or you will be automatically denied. Love all the photos and adventures posted so keep them coming! 

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Oyster Roast!

Click here to visit our online shop!

Kathy Kenny

Vice Commodore - Social Media & NSA Wear Coord.

S/V Cool Change



My goal is to keep the newsletter on the second Tuesday of the month, so I will need your input by Monday, of the preceding week. Please send your stories and photos to, and add "Neuse Juice" in the subject line.

Jean Hardtle
Vice Commodore of Communications - Neuse Juice

S/V  Knot Shore
1974 Gulfstar



Now is a good time to update your profile avatar… (avatar means Picture) as we are now featuring pictures on the Directory and Home Page of all members... so we know what we look like!

  • Click on your name in the upper right black bar on the website.
  • Click the Edit Profile button.
  • Scroll down to Avatar
    • Click on the words Remove/Change
    • Please use a picture that shows a close up of your face.
  • When done, scroll back to the top and click on the Save button

   ---> or send your picture to and we'll take care of it!

We have some new sections of the website for this year… (click the links to view)


Fair Winds and Following Seas!

                    And finally... if you read this far... how many of you have updated your Avatar Pic?


Erik Hardtle

VC of Communications -Website

S/V  Knot Shore
1974 Gulfstar


Neuse Sailing Association | PO Box 253 | Oriental, NC 28571

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