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March 12 2019

'The Neuse Juice'

Volumn 46 Number 3

Paul Griffin, 

The Commodore's Log 

Winter Reflections

Inspired by the recent TownDock post about Oriental’s 120th incorporation anniversary, and namesake, the steamship Oriental (named after a port in Cuba oddly enough), I decided to do some digging on the origins of our club’s namesake - the Neuse River.

The Neuse River was named by English explorer Arthur Barlowe in 1584 for the Neusiok Indians, a tribe which lived in the land along the southern banks of the Neuse River. Despite this tribes history of war with other coastal tribes, their name is translated to “Peace.”

Peace, most often known as a period of time without war, is also defined as freedom from disturbance; tranquility. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate origin for the Neuse River, and now the Neuse Sailing Association.

Whatever heartache, stresses, or drama life throws at us, I find it comforting to know that I have a place amongst friends in the most tranquil place in North Carolina as part of the Neuse “Peace” Sailing Association.

Moving on to club was great to reunite with our sailing friends at the Oyster Roast in late February. We had a fantastic turnout despite the weather. A special thanks to our VCs of Special Events, Kevin and Mary Guilfoyle, as well as all the volunteers for making it such a success!

I’m looking forward to another stellar event, the annual Shrimperoo, in just a few short weeks. The main purpose of this event is to recruit new members so please grab your neighbors, dock mates, and friends who are not members to join the fun on March 23rd!  

A big thank you to all of our members whether you are renewing your membership for yet another year or are joining the NSA for your first season (welcome!!). Our growth and continued success is dependent on each and every member contributing their time and energy to the club.  I encourage everyone to take an active role in supporting or leading at least one event this year. A great opportunity to get more involved is to be a cruise captain. It’s easier than you think and you have the support of our VC of Cruising, Jeff Kenyon, every step of the way. Please contact Jeff at vccruising@neusesailingassociation.orgto volunteer today!  

Paul Griffin

s/v Blue Mind


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Cruising Outlook

Cruising Outlook

Spring is sure to be here soon!

As you heard in the last Neuse Juice, we will be conducting 2 NSA weeklong cruises – north and south. The potential cruise captain for the north route is no longer able to run this cruise, so we are urgently in need of a cruise captain for this cruise! 

The other cruise we need a captain for is the Memorial Day cruise to Cape Lookout.  Calitri will be going and can assist in bringing beer, wine and ice which is often the most challenging aspect of this event!  Please consider volunteering for one of these important cruises!

The Easter cruise has filled up!  We have 31 boats already signed up and River Dunes indicated they hoped to be able to handle 25.  There is a land-only option as well to participate, so don’t hesitate to sign up so we will have the right headcount. Even though additional slips are unlikely at this point, River Dunes is doing everything they can to accommodate everyone!

2019 Cruise Planning Calendar:

 April 20-21  Easter Cruise, River Dunes
 May 25-27  Memorial Day Cruise, Cape Lookout
 June 15-23  Week long Cruise, North and South Options being explored
 July 4-7  Dog Days Cruise, Little Washington
 August 10-11  Lazy Days Cruise, TBD Land and Water event
 August 31-Sept 2  Labor Day Cruise, Ocracoke
 October 12-13  Fall Cruise/Raft Up, TBD
 October 26-27  Halloween Cruise, New Bern or Beaufort

Jeff Kenyon

s/v Calitri

Vice Commodore Cruising

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New Member Social in April

The NSA is planning a first-time event just for its new members – a New Member Social on April 27. This will give new members an opportunity to meet the NSA’s bridge and directors one-on-one and is aimed at giving new members more information about the club and its events. Location and more details will be in the next Neuse Juice, but we hope all new members will put this on their calendars.

Right now, we have about 22 new members, including our most recent Yacht members, Mark and Martha DeCain of Raleigh. The DeCains do not own a boat at this time but are not ruling out the possibility!

We probably all know boaters who are not members of the NSA from our marinas or neighborhoods – please invite them to the Shrimperoo on March 23. Lots of good food and fun, and we will have a Membership Center set up for those who decide to join or renew. Non-members pay $10 per person for the Shrimperoo, but that will be refunded should they decide to join that day. So let’s get the word out to anyone who might enjoy being a part of this fun group!

If any new member has not yet received a Welcome Burgee, please contact me at   If anyone wants to replace a weathered burgee, I have a new batch available for $25 apiece and will bring these to the Shrimperoo. Just write a check to the NSA. 

Looking forward to a great sailing season!

Donna Crothers

s/v Sanctuary

Vice Commodore Membership

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Photo contest

2018 NSA Photo Contest 

Many thanks to all who participated either by submitting entries or by voting for their favorites.  We will be announcing the winners at the Shrimparoo on March 23.  Hope to see everyone there!

Lynn Scott
Coordinator, NSA Photo Contest
s/v Serenity

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A Good Time was had by All at the 2019 Oyster Roast!


Whether shucking or shooting them, oysters made for a very good at the annual NSA Oyster Roast. Just like the mailman, NSA did not let wind, rain or cold stop the delivery of a good time!  The early morning set-up crew for the Oyster Roast experienced the worst of the cold, windy rain but fortunately, as the time came closer to the start of the roast, the weather began to improve.

The Oyster Roast not only provided a great time for everyone but it gave the club an opportunity to support the Whittaker Creek Restoration Project through the collection and donation of the oyster shells.  In addition, the event raised $170.00 through a 50/50 raffle.  The funds and oyster shells will help slow the erosion and will benefit the aquatic life and marsh grasses surrounding the point.


Shrimperoo 2019!!

Keeping with tradition, NSA members will celebrate the beginning of Spring with the annual Shrimperoo on March 23rd from 2pm -4pm. (Please note the time change from the original event posting on the website)   The Shrimperoo will take place on the deck of the Oriental Marina and Inn.  The public is invited to join in the fun which includes plenty of shrimp, assorted foods, beverages, and music by Bob Lavarty.  There is no registration for this event as it is open to the public. Non-members will be charged a fee of $10.00 which will be refunded if you join the club at the event.  We are asking that all members bring a side dish or dessert to the event to insure there is plenty of food for everyone.  Members, please let us know what you would like to do to support this effort

Kevin and Mary Guilfoyle

V/C Special Events

“Meridian” Albin 36

Reminder - Dinghy Poker Run Planning Meeting

As noted in last month’s Neuse Juice, it is time to start planning for the Dinghy Poker Run scheduled for July 27. This year we are moving the event under the NCO umbrella. In case you don’t remember, the 3 sailing clubs in Oriental – NSA, SCOO (Sailing Club of Oriental) & ODC (Oriental Dinghy Club) – formed the NCO (Nautical Co-op) as a way to work together for specific events, but maintain our individual personalities & club activities.  It seemed a natural fit to have the Dinghy Poker Run fall under this umbrella, as this is a fundraiser where we give back to the community.

I am planning a meeting for those interested in volunteering to help organize this event. I am hoping to put together committees for advertisement, solicitation of goods for prizes & auction items, food planning, poker run course planning, volunteer organization, etc.

This meeting will be at my house on Sat. March 30 at 0900.  Refreshments will be provided!  Address: 1420 Seafarer Dr., Oriental. If you would like to volunteer, but cannot be at the meeting, just let me know – or 919-414-7719. Members of SCOO & ODC will also be invited to join the organization efforts as well as to volunteer for the day of the event – more details on that later.

Sharon Stephenson

S/V Pelican

 2019 Seminar Series

SCOO, NSA and ODC will be joining together to offer our members and the community at large excellent opportunities for learning!  There are lots of interesting and valuable topics planned so mark your calendars.  You won't want to miss a single one!  All seminars will be held at the Town Hall from 9-12 unless otherwise arranged.

 Topic  Presenter  Date
 Splicing and Rigging Furlers  Mark Lucas  1/12/19
 Navigation Refresher and Map Updates  John Rahm  1/19/19
 Diesel Engines  Darrell Foster  1/26/19
 Marine Electronics Maintenance  Peter Waterson  2/2/19
 CPR and First Aid  Elena Rice  2/9/19
 RIsk Management  John Rahm  2/16/19
 12 volt systems  Wade Ellison  2/23/19
 Race Management  ODC  3/2/19
 Docking in Wind  Capt. Rich Belliveau  3/9/19
 USCG Inspections/Safety At Sea    USGC  3/16/19
 NOAA NWS Weather Forecasting  Erik Heden NWS  3/23/19


Vessel Safety Exam

The Vessel Safety Check event will be on Saturday April 13th.

Just a reminder that on April 13th there is a free Vessel Safety Check being conducted by our local power squadron (Cape Lookout Sail & Power Squadron).  If you are not familiar with the process you may find the following address of interest;  This is a copy of the form used by the examiner during their visit.  It should give you an overview of the categories and items they will look for and inquire about as they meet with you. NOTE: vessel length/type may require some additional items, but this is an excellent starting place for us as we prepare for their visit.

To facilitate this process please use the sign-up sheet under NSA Events on the our website.  This allows the CLS & PS examiners to arrange and conduct the exams in an orderly fashion.  Thank you for assisting in the effort to maximize the time of the CLS & PS volunteers.  

Here is to a safe sailing season!

Brian McLamb

s/v Serenity

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Misto on World Arc

Misto enjoys Carnaval in Brazil!

The passage from St Helena to Salvador, Brazil was slow with little wind so after a 14 day passage we finally made landfall in Salvador. Salvador used to be the capital of Brazil and so it is full of history. We enjoyed exploring the Old Town and an organized tour revealed some of the most ornate churches we have ever seen, literally covered inside with gold leaf. Here we said goodbye to David Talbot who had joined us in South Africa. 

We decided to take a land based trip to Rio and had a great time visiting the iconic attractions such as the Christ the Redeemer statue which stands tall and welcoming over the whole city, and Sugar Loaf. A guided pub crawl including a local samba club completed the trip. 

Next we sailed up the coast to Cabadelo and again it was a rather slow passage. From here we visited Recife for Carnaval. It’s difficult to describe the vibe of 2 million people cramming the streets to follow the parade, with its incredibly load music. We managed to get into a Private  area and met some an interesting local couple - she had been head of tourism for the Brazilian government. From here, although there was still a crush of people, we were able to view the parade in comparative comfort!

By the time everyone reads this we will have departed Brazil for Grenada. It’s hard to believe that this is almost the end of our world circumnavigation. It’s been an amazing experience but we are now looking forward to seeing friends and family again. 

Ros and Howard Cheetham
s/v Misto

Neuse Sailing Association | PO Box 253 | Oriental, NC 28571

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